Forces in Virtual Environment
FIVE software provides a realistic physical and behavioral simulation of tactical environments for different types of military applications.
Tactical training is important for survivability in battlefield. Before real operations, the crew should be ready for all threat conditions from all aspects.
FIVE (Forces In Virtual Environment) offers cost-effective training solution for the users that need tactical environment for their simulators or real platforms. FIVE supplies user needs for all kinds of threats that will be faced in real life. The trainee gets experienced with high fidelity interactive models that prevents negative training.

- Tactical environment simulation for mission simulators
- Networking capability with simulators and other simulation systems
- Embedded training system for real platforms
- Support virtual environment to engineering simulators for platform/system manufacturers
- Decision Support for Real Operations
- War Gaming for Decision Makers
- Network-Centric Operation Exercises
FIVE is a tactical environmental simulation to support tactical training, training analysis and readiness for operations. It provides user environment that will be encountered in battlefield.
- Defining new entities and subsystems (Weapon, Sensor, Counter Measure, Warning Receiver, Radio etc.)
- Rule-based autonomous entity behavior
- Scenario development to extend doctrines and mission capabilities
- Provides Simulation/Gaming Control
- Control virtual players in all aspects for role playing
- Realistic Interaction of platforms and subsystems (weapons, sensors, EW and communication)
- Interaction with terrain and weather conditions
- 2D – 3D map visualization
- Entity 3D model and MIL-STD-2525 APP 6 symbology
- Standalone or Networked Mode
- Compliance with RPR FOM 1.0-2.0, SISO-REF-010
- After Action Review
- Weapon Scoring
FIVE simulates aircrafts, rotary wings, land platforms, ships, human and stationary platforms.
- Distributed simulation
- Compliance with HLA, RPR FOM
- Dynamic entity simulation
- Subsystem simulation
- Weapon and sensor coverage visualization
- HUD view
- Control virtual player with joystick
Model Generation Module
Model Generation Module (MGM) allows the operators to generate simulation actors through easy to use graphical user interfaces according to generic models using a customization procedure. This software can be used to generate:
• Various sensor selection along with its capabilities and limitations
• Various platforms simulating its performance
• Various weapons (guns, tactical missiles)
• CM / ECM / ECCM devices/facilities and their effects on the tactical areas. The following ECM techniques is modeled
-Jammers (Radar, IR, Laser, Radio)
• Communication devices
• Warning Receiver devices (RWR, MWR, LWR)
• IFF devices and codes they generate
The models created by MGM are stored in a file server so that they can be used in the next steps of FIVE operation context.
The user has the ability to tailor predefined models to produce more specific models as well as to create the new ones. -
Tactical Scenario Generation Module
The scenario are prepared by using the Tactical Scenario Generation Module (TSGM). Preparation of simulation models, preparation of synthetic environment, formation of force structure and preparation of combat plan can be performed in this phase.
The users can visualize the environment in 2 and 3 dimensions in the scenario generation phase.
The users have the capability to:
• Define weather conditions, date and time for the scenario
• Compose force structure
-Deploy the hostile, neutral and friendly platforms on to operation area
-Assign tactics (rules, routes, formations) to platforms
-Assign target of interest to platforms
• Set the parameters of the platforms such as weapon load, ECM load -
Tactical Mission Simulation Module
Mission Simulation (MS) executes the simulation to represent the real world platforms (e.g. tanks, ships, aircrafts), their subsystems (e.g. sensors, weapons, counter measure instruments) and their virtual operators (e.g. pilots, commanders, navigators). So the hostile, neutral and friendly platforms with appropriate ordnance interact with each other in a realistic manner, as well as interacting with weather conditions and terrain. Mission Simulation implements the rules to fulfill the Synthetic Environment. These platforms go through a sense-think-act cycle and act on the synthetic environment through influence-reaction model defined in the rules. Also the user can override the navigation parameters (speed, altitude, heading, route, formation, CAP etc.), target of interest, weapon usage tactic of the platforms during the mission execution.
FIVE allows the instructors to visualize the environment in 2 and 3 dimensions in the scenario generation, scenario run and debriefing phases through tactical map. -
Rule Definition Module
FIVE enables the user to create the behavior doctrines of the platforms to simulate their virtual operators (e.g. pilots, commanders, navigators). Tactical Environment Simulation employs a rule based artificial intelligence to fulfill the doctrines within tactical missions. A certain behavior of a platform is represented in a rule. Platforms and their subsystem can be controlled though defined rules. Besides rules; different type of tactical elements such as routes and formations can be generated by model generation model so that they can be utilized during the tactical scenario generation.
After Action Review Module
After training, post-activity review and debriefing capability is provided to the user by debriefing module. It has fast playback, pause, stop and replay capabilities. The users can visualize the environment in 2 and 3 dimensions in the after action review phase.
FIVE- Forces in Virtual Environment Datasheet
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