Air Traffic Control Tower & Radar Simulator
Quantum3D ATC Sim
It is a complete simulation system that meets basic and advanced levels of ATC training needs. All levels of Approach, En-route and Tower ATC training are supported. This simulation platform includes extensive architecture, allowing from one position up to twenty four positions and combinations of each position in scenarios that can be organized depending on the training needs.
It is not only for the training activities, but also it can be easily adapted to local circumstances and it is an ideal platform for research activities. It’s leveraged by the high fidelity software modules like Flight Data Processing System, Radar Data Processing System and synthetic traffic generator which are very close to be used as subsystems of a real air traffic control system.
- Dedicated to basic, intermediate and advanced ATC training
- Approach, En-route and Tower trainings with one tool
- Flexible, scalable and open architecture
- Easy to use, user friendly and efficient HMI in all displays
- Up to 360° realistic air field visual tower system
- High fidelity model of ATC environment
- Up to 24 Radar positions with 24 Pilot positions
- Fast time performance with high traffic loads
- Record, Replay and Rewind
- Emerging technologies and CPDLC support
- Conflict detection and resolution
- High traffic loads with fast time performance
- Highly accurate aircraft performance modeling compliant with BADA
- Navigation model creation from standard ARINC data
- Definition of training operational environment from scratch
- Trainee evaluation and debriefing tools
- Compliant with rules and international standards like EUROCONTROL and ICAO

RADARCWP - Radar Controller Working Position
Radar CWP provides integrated solutions which supports critical air traffic controller operations, helping to keep controller candidates learning and practicing effectively. Advanced controller environment allows the controller to have full situational awareness at all times.

VIS - Visual Integrated Solution
3D VISUAL provides tower training for terminal area generated with high levels of realism. It is adaptable to both low cost LCD screens and high end projection system with flat or curved screens. By its open architecture any specific airport and additional 3D objects can be integrated in a standard way.

LCS - Lighting Control Station
Lighting Control Station provides airfield lighting training for terminal area.

INFO - Information Display Window
In order to have a complete controller working position, a set of screens give the supportive information to the controller. Information Display Window is one of the primary displays which shows the current status of airfield lighting system and working status of navaid equipments as well as weather conditions around the runways. It also presents AWOS and NOTAM messages in a standard manner.

Ground Radar Display
Ground Radar Display is an optional module which can be a part of advanced ATC trainings. It enhances the efficiency use of runways, apron, taxiway and parking gates by maintaining the surface movements.

PWS - Pseudo Pilot Working Position
Pilot Working Station provides controlling of aircraft and ground vehicles with user-friendly interface which is integrated to atcTRsim system in order to control aircraft and ground vehicles movement.

Easy Editors
easySPACE – AirSpace Builder Editor
easyPORT – AirPort Builder Editor
easyRAD – Radar Builder Editor
easySCEN – Scenario Editor
easyCRAFT – Aircraft Performance Editor
easyMEC – Meteorology & Environment Conditions Builder
ATCSim Datasheet
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